[FTC]: Relic Recovery Quiz

Anyone have a quiz on the Relic Recovery game and rules? Looking for a way to make sure all team members are aware of the game and rules before our first scrimmage. Thanks in advance!

It is pretty easy to make a quiz. For the simplest, just make a question on each rule, on what is legal and illegal, not on what penalties there are, you don’t need to know penalties if you don’t break the rules!

Also, you can create a scenario or use some of the images in the appendices to create scenarios to test on scoring or legality.

I made this to see what I can remember - as a result, please take into consideration that there is a (slim) chance some of the answer choices are incorrect, in which case I’ll be happy to change.
I tried to include important rules and a range of difficulties.
LMK if you want me to add a question or something like that

Thank you for doing this Robby
Here are my observations:

  • How much is a properly scored cipher worth? (assume all glyphs were scored in tele-op)
    By my calculations its 154.
    Glyph scored in Cryptobox 24 12x2=24
    Completed Row of 3 in Cryptobox . 4x10=40
    Completed Column of 4 in Cryptobox 3x20=60
    Completed Cipher 30

  • How are the jewels/cryptobox keys determined?
    There is no correct answer configured.

  • What is every glyph scored in autonomous worth?
    It suppose to be 15 not 17. Rules do not mention 2 points for scoring glyph in autonomous.

  • Where do robots start the match?
    add “Balancing stone”

  • What is the legal tolerance for Glyph sizes?
    Correct answer should be 5.875" - 6.125", which is 6" +/- 0.125"

I put together my own quiz, borrowing some questions from OMGRobots1 quiz. Also added rule references.
Feedback is appreciated.
