Hello all,
Please note that this is my first post, so please tell me if I am doing anything wrong! Thanks!
Anyway, our team is having a problem with different servos. We have 4 servos on our robot (I believe that we are HS-475HB 180 degree servos). It just so happens that all of the servos activate at the same time during tele-op, when we press a button that is just supposed to move one. However, in Autonomous, the servos move independently, like they should. We know it isn’t the controller, as we just changed that out for a brand new one today.
Has anyone run into the same problem, and/or know how to fix it?
Thank you so much! We really appreciate it!
FTC Team 7550.
It might be something with the code. Are you using ROBOTC or LabVIEW. If ROBOTC, please send me a private message and I can work with you through the issues.
As I recall, anytime a command is sent to a servo, all servos attached to that controller receive a signal. Usually they are just sent their last last value so no change in position is seen. This behavior can cause problems the first time any servo is called–the rest of the servos attached to that controller do not have a previous position so they all default to their zero position and hence all move at once. The fix is to initialize all servos to their desired neutral position and then everything should work as expected. If you are a LabVIEW team, you can post your code and I can show you how to do this.