Hey I wanted to share a quick video, FTC Team 7837 did a full run practice for this years game Res-q. The majority of the robot is functioning manually we are just working on our autonomous and a few automated controls during teleop.
In the video we are driving the robot during the autonomous, like I said we are still developing our auto code but the plan/route is the same.
I would suggest running with debris on the field as it may throw off your autonomous routes and also get in the way of your ramp entry, and you’ll want to figure out how to deal with those issues sooner rather than later.
Also, I may have this wrong, but it looked like you released the middle zip-line trigger with the robot on the floor. That violates Rule GS13 and would result in no score for the middle zipliner. You have to be on the mountain above the 2 inch white tape to release the middle and high triggers. And you should add the 2 inch white tape on the bottom of your mountain while you’re at it.
We did realize that rule with the zip liner after we did the practice run. We also did run some with debris on the ground, we have a plow on the front of our robot that prevents the tracks from running up on the debris. Hopefully it won’t be an issue. Thanks for your insight.
Our basic plan for the Rescue Beacon involves starting in a consistent position and using encoders and gyros to traverse the field. Then, a color sensor reads the beacon to decide which beacon pressing flipper (we call them “Color Wackers”) to use. If the encoders do not provide reliable enough positioning, we may implement line following technology to do last minute realignment with the beacon based off of the white line. We already have color sensor on the bottom of the robot to detect tape colors to determine which way to turn (as the red and blue sides require different programs, automatic detection is one less thing for drivers to forget). The color sensor should work as a line follower as well.
Also fun would be tracking the center line with a color line follower, using trigonometry to calculate distance left to traverse in the hypotenuse before making the turn to beacon. The variable would be the distance taken (measured with encoder) taken to get to the middle. While overall accuracy isn’t necessarily improved when compared to a consistent start position, it allows more variety as to where the robot starts. Of course, care must be taken to not cross the center boundary in the first 10 seconds, requiring clever sensor placement.
We are definitely going to the Allendale competition, and possibly the Freeland one.
Wow! Your robot looks amazing. Your claw/crane is quite an amazing device. Do you have any pictures/CAD for how your extensions are running? It appears to be belt, but I cannot be sure.