[FTC]: TETRIX Omni Wheels

Does anyone have one of these on hand? The description on the website parts.ftcrobots.com says these are 3" in diameter.

The CAD models I have for the omniwheels and for the regular 3" wheel, however, are of differing diameters. Both models are from 3dcontentcentral.com.

Can someone verify that each of these 3" wheels are of different diameters? Are the CAD models incorrect?


I can’t help you here… but just out of curiosity, what diameters are the wheels you have?


I don’t have any of the parts in front of me; only CAD models.

The regular 3" wheel (http://parts.ftcrobots.com/store/detail.aspx?CategoryID=164&by=9&ID=6344&c=1&t=0&l=0&bhcp=1) measures 2.85" at its largest diameter.

The omniwheel (http://parts.ftcrobots.com/store/detail.aspx?ID=6369&c=0&t=0&l=0) measures 3.063" to the outside of the rollers.

The omni wheels are slightly bigger than the regular wheels for some reason. I think they took the diameter of the white part is what they took as 3 inches or something around those lines. The rollers make it slightly bigger than the regular wheels which has caused a problem with my design. I recommend experimenting with placements just to see how things work out.

Hope this helps




I would be happy to change the model on 3DContentCentral.com - just let me know. Marie

Marie, I’ve been looking all over for a 4" Omni Wheel model in SolidWorks, and I can’t find them. Is there any way you could post them on 3DCC if you have them on hand? Thanks in advance.