[FTC]: [UNSOLVED] Autonomous Doesn't Run In FCS

Greetings from Team 5485!
We recently participated in the Hudson Valley FTC Championship and were having some problems getting our autonomous programs to run while connected to the FCS. The weird thing is that the autonomous runs fine when the robot is connected by itself to the FCS, but never gets past the Wait For Start when other robots are connected (meaning that our autonomous never ran in competition, but always worked in practice).
This problem never happened in a previous competition we attended at Penn State York. A referee at the Hudson Valley Championship suggested it might be a problem with our NXT, as it also sometimes froze during competition (though other teams’ NXT’s froze as well).
Is there **any other reason **this weird problem is happening?

I know it’s late in the game now, but were you able to see the NXT screen during competition?

With LabVIEW the screen shows the state of the connection and the enable/disable state. It would have been helpfull to know where the disconnect was hapenning…

Hi Philbot, we were able to see the NXT screen during competition (during autonomous, it would just say Wait For Start), and when it froze up it would just locked in an unchanging view of the default screen with the battery level and other information. Also, we are using RobotC, and the NXT never froze or not run autonomous when we ran the robot with RobotC.