[FTC]: using robotc competition template

This is my first year with a team that uses RobotC. We have a working Teleop and Autonomous code. How do we integrate these two files into the competiton template?

I’m not the expert but cut and paste might be all that is needed

FTC templates

RobotC experts page

We have the templates. I have looked through the robotC and FIRST’s FTC resources but I cannot find instructions on how the template is supposed to work.

There is a comment that indicates where to put your code. It is just below the “wait for start”. When you run your autonomous program it will execute to that point and wait for the FCS to start the game.

Coach 3721

You will have to use the RobotC Program Chooser program OR RobotC’s Joystick Control- FTC window to select the tele-op program as your teleop code. This will write a text file called FTC Config.txt on your NXT and this text file will have the name of your teleop program within the file. When the FCS goes to teleop mode it will read this file and run your teleop code automatically.

You will need to run the autonomous program you chose before you start the match.

The waitForStart() command placed at the beginning of your program will ensure that the robot does not move until it receives the Go command from the FCS.

Here is a more in depth tutorial I made for some FTC teams… hope it helps! If you need any more help feel free to comment on my site there or email me at [email protected]! Good luck!

You might have seen this already, but you can also use my Teleop Catalyst for RobotC program to generate the teleop code for you. :slight_smile:

Here’s a screenshot:

You can get it for free from here: http://ftc.kcastromechs.org/catalyst/