From Week 1 Winning Strategies thread
I decided to make my answer its own thing rather than hijack that thread.
Here is how I come to believe that Hanging Robots and Hanging Gears is the key to success for 90-95% of teams this season.
I made some assumptions about robot performance.
Basically I estimated the shape of the curve for robots that can hang gears (what percentage can hang how many gears) then posited that other tasks (like hanging a gear in auto on the easy peg and on the harder pegs and hanging) are positively correlated with that skill.
In rough numbers I estimated that for Week 1, roughly 1/4 of robots would hang, 1/3 could do the easy auto gear, and 1/10 could do the hard auto gear. And I estimated that a team is probably better at these skills if they are able to run more gears (to me this is uncontroversial, perhaps others think it is revolutionary).
You and I can quibble about this or that percentage but I think that the numbers will be more favorable to team performance not less (rotors, hangs, and scores will be lower if anything).
Bottom line, I think that these numbers won’t be too far off the mark.
Using these numbers I can run thousands of simulated matches and see what happens (even including some luck factors where teams over or under-perform based on rolling simulated dice).
I did just that and I get the following three histogram charts:
Looking at these charts, I just don’t see any way that fuel can move the needle enough to matter for most teams (and believe me, you are almost certainly in that group – don’t be fooled. 50% of FIRST teams think they are in the top 10%).
One thing that is not in the charts but that I calculated was how much margin an alliance had with respect to getting its last rotor, and it tells an interesting story.
Approximately half of the time, the alliances “best performance” with respect to gears is 0, 1, or 2 gears above the number it needs to get its last rotor.
Said another way, half of the time, your alliance needs you running gears or the alliance will lose out on 40 points. What is more, in about half of the cases where your alliance can comfortably make their last rotor without you running gears the whole match, the OPPONENT ALLIANCE is going to need all THEIR robots running gears like madmen to get THEIR last rotors. In those cases, what is your best play? to score fuel (9 balls per point in the low goal or 3 balls per point in the high goal) OR… to stop the opponent robots from getting their last 40 points? Overcoming 40 points takes a LOT of fuel!
So… …that is why I come to the conclusions I come to.
Dr. Joe J.