Full regionals

Is there any way that I would be able to watch full regionals? I would like to watch the North Bay regional because I missed the web cast for the last day, is it possible for me to do so?

Your best bet is to look on Youtube. There are quite a few matches posted by team 3571, 4914 and team 610. Most of them are of their particular matches. You might be able to leave a message to one of them. Normally if they are recording, they do the entire event…

Good luck, I am looking for the Hawaii Regional to get posted, hopefully by team 368… If you are listening McKinley, let me know if you will be posting.
Or send me a dvd… :slight_smile:


Don’t waste your time. If I was you I would only watch the match with high scores and the elimination matches. Most of the matches are pretty boring.

I will have all the matches from the event posted to watchfirstnow.com by the end of tomorrow night.

  • Adam

All of the matches are up, Search by event code ONNB.