Full RoboRealm example?

This year, I am extremely interested in using RoboRealm to process our images. I have no clue how to incorporate RoboRealm programs into Labview and would like to see an example of Labview and RoboRealm working together. Thanks! :slight_smile:

RoboRealm is run on a separate computer, like a netbook, on your robot. It then uses Network Tables to communicate with the cRIO.


So really, all the LabVIEW part is just reading from Network Tables and incorporating that into your shooting code (or whatever)

The Network Tables server is already running as part of the LabVIEW framework. Just use the NT functions to read and write values. You’ll find them along with the SmartDashboard functions, in the last function subpalette under the WPI Robotics Library group.