[FUN] Behind the Bumpers @ Champs Videos

All of us at FUN were delighted to be able to attend championships and have the opportunity to meet and talk to so many of you. Mike and myself both took some time to interview a few teams and we will be releasing these on YouTube over the next weeks.

Our first video is from the amazing FRC610 Crescent Robotics about their robot and their fantastic year. Oh and make sure you find out which robots the students that we interviewed were most interested in playing with on their division (insert click bait You Won’t believe who #2 was).

Thanks to FRC610 for taking the time to speak with us and congratulations on a fantastic season.

We really want to do more of these in the future so let us know which teams you would like to see interviews from.

Next Episode is up of FRC1986 Team Titanium after they just played their last qualification match and secured the #1 seed in their division. Find out why they decided to go with an 8 wheel mecanum drive.

Great line from 1986’s drive team: “we decided to make mecanum great again.”

The correct notation is " Make Mecanums GR8 Again":smiley:

New BtB video with FRC4039 MakeShift Robotics. Learn more about their robot, what is takes to compete in Ontario Districts, and why Mike loves this team so much.

We go Behind the Bumpers to learn more about FRC303 The T.E.S.T. Team and their rise to the #1 seed in their division. Check out their awesome fuel blockers, what it took to win their chairman’s awards, and what they were looking for in an alliance partner.

More Behind the Bumpers coming in the future from IRI and other off-season events!

If you are at IRI and are interested in an interview please PM me. I will try to do a few during my emcee breaks.