[FUN] NI LabView/RoboRIO giveaway

Come join us for a FUN next couple of days!

Monday: National Instruments seminar on vision and control in LabView with a huge giveaway of a roboRIO to someone in chat live during the show. Also live trivia and giveaways courtesy of AndyMark during the show.

Tuesday: EDIT: Cancelled, will be re-scheduled. FUNalysis is back with Karthik, Mason, and Nick. Check out a breakdown of three great matches in FRC history!

Both shows start at 8:30pm US Eastern.

Watch live: https://www.twitch.tv/firstupdatesnow

We’re live! Come and join us!

Great show. Thank you April.

Congrats to Owen from FRC6201 The Highlanders out of Somerville, Massachusetts for winning the roboRIO!

Big thanks to April for being an amazing presenter and everyone who was part of this!

We will have two more of these seminars on LabVIEW and have roboRIO giveaways from National Instruments and trivia with prizes from AndyMark coming in 2018 so stay tuned!

YouTube archive: https://youtu.be/TukfO4CofPU

For those who were asking: Here’s the PowerPoint that April went through last night:
