[FUN] Recap w/FRCTop25 8:30pmEST w/ Greg Needel

FUN Recap with the FRCTop25 is back for week 5! We had over 200 votes this week for the FRCTop25 and we can wait to reveal who made the list (We had another tie for 25th so 26 teams will make the list).

Our guest for tonight is Greg Needel from FRC2848 All Sparks and the CEO of Rev Robotics.

What topics do you want us to discuss? Post below to in Twitch Chat by tagging @firstupdatesnow.

Join us live starting at 8:30pm Eastern / 5:30pm Pacific at https://www.twitch.tv/firstupdatesnow or https://www.thebluealliance.com/watch/gdl

We already know 3+D is a valid strategy for good shooting teams.

Will 4+D become a counter-strategy? Some shooting alliances will be good enough to go for 121 kPa.

Another topic: high quality defense. Example: 16 in the Midwest playoffs. Very annoying.

That’s why we picked 'em.:smiley: Like ugly on an ape, and they still get their gears done!

I second everything he just said.

Also am curious to hear what everyone on the show thinks the odds are that they will remove the pre-populated gears on the airship.

I have my doubts that it’s feasible, but this would be cool to see.

900 in the NC DCMP playoffs as well.

Things I didn’t expect to see this year after watching Week 1 competitions:
1.) Alliances that are able to repeatedly get 2 auton rotors
2.) Elite swerve defense

Discussion Topic:
How many alliances this year have been able to achieve 40 kpa and 4 rotors in one match? Have there been any alliances that have done this in qualification matches? How do you expect the number of 40 kpa and 4 rotor matches to grow in the next few weeks?

Team 2067 played hard swerve defense on us when we were shooting in the QF at Hartford. They would drive up against the wall when we are dumping a hopper then turn their swerve sideways to push our robot sideways so we can’t get as much fuel.

(playoffs only) This has happened 10 times so far this year, by 4 alliances. 2 alliances only did it once. None of them were by a blue alliance.

(format: match (B: blue score, R: red score) teams)

2017isde4_sf1m2 (B: 311, R: 491) 1690 1937 6741
2017ilpe_qf1m2 (B: 255, R: 506) 2220 2481 4143
2017casj_qf1m2 (B: 285, R: 507) 254 604 4990
2017casj_sf1m1 (B: 310, R: 509) 254 604 4990
2017casj_f1m1 (B: 200, R: 506) 254 604 4990
2017casj_f1m2 (B: 285, R: 522) 254 604 4990
2017cthar_qf1m2 (B: 325, R: 485) 173 195 558
2017cthar_sf1m1 (B: 185, R: 522) 173 195 558
2017cthar_sf1m2 (B: 235, R: 462) 173 195 558
2017cthar_f1m1 (B: 256, R: 457) 173 195 558

edit: whoops i’m an idiot, something’s wrong with my data set, kindly ignore

254 achieved 40 kPa and 4 rotors 3 times in quals at Silicon Valley.

It’s happened twice in quals as far as I know.

Make that three with 3309 on Fuel and 207-4276 on gears at OCR Qual #42

whoops, I guess something’s funky with my data set. time to debug…

Can you do a DCMP preview (PCH, NE, PNW, IN)? I also would like to hear some discussion about the emergence of 4+D, as the possibility of it happening at INDCMP is reeeeeally high.

2 robot hopper auto could do it pretty quickly, shooting 120 balls at the high boiler in auto would be pretty epic to watch for sure.

Make that four with 195 on fuel and 558 and 230 on gears at the NE District Hartford Event Qual Match 13

It doesn’t show four rotors on the scoreboard in the video, but they were credited four rotors because they had enough gears and spun their fourth rotor, but all the gears didn’t turn on the airship (first time an alliance had got four rotors at the event on that airship).

About to start hope you can join us!

From the show:

  1. 254
  2. 1986
  3. 971
  4. 195
  5. 610
  6. 33
  7. 604
  8. 148
  9. 16
  10. 2451
  11. 3015
  12. 3309
  13. 2122
  14. 558
  15. 1241
  16. 340
  17. 1690
  18. 900
  19. 1477
  20. 225
  21. 1574
  22. 1255
  23. 3620
  24. 1511
  25. 4561, 1519

I guess this means we’re going to Rumble this year.