FVG: Group sign up.

Ok, as far as I can see we (will) need people in the following groups:

  • Coding: Programmers
  • 3D: People who can use 3DSMax (this includes static models and short animation action clips)
  • 2D: Textures, logos, etc.
  • Audio: people who can get/make afx (the official field sounds, announcers, general fx, etc.)
  • Website: When we get a website going (wether it be on sourceforge or not), we need people to set it up/maintain it.
  • Docs: people who can write documentation.
  • PR: people to talk to companies for what ever reason (getting an engine, sponsoring, lending resoureces, obaining files/data, etc) and write anouncements.

Quite a bit of this is long-term/future.

If you would like to volunteer in any of these groups, post your name, what group, and any way you’d like us to contact you (with any necesary ID info).

Astronouth7303, Programming
[email protected]

  • Docs: people who can write documentation.
  • PR: people to talk to companies for what ever reason (getting an engine, sponsoring, lending resoureces, obaining files/data, etc) and write anouncements.
  • 2D textures and logos etc. :slight_smile:

Bharat Nain
bharat at njfirst dot org
aim: teknobramha

I can help a considerable amount with that stuff. If someone is willing to give me a start, I can help in programming and designing too, although I don’t have too much real time experience in that stuff. Let me know if anyone is willing, I am a fast learner on “how to” use applications.

I can find things online like files and stuff i can also help out around here on Chief Delphi. I really don’t know that much about the other stuff.
i can be reached at [email protected]

I’d like to do as much as i can while learning new stuff! put me on anyhting

aim:pit bull 1126

My skills include:

  • 3ds max & Maya
  • Photoshop
  • Vegas
  • PHP and MySQL

I guess that puts me in 3D, 2D, and Website, and I’m willing to write documentation and do public relations. I’d also like to observe the coding aspect and its progress being that I would like to get good at application programming, although as of now it isn’t my area of expertise. :smiley:

Noah Santorello
AIM: TriArkSoftware
Email: [email protected]

I can help in the areas of Website Design and Paperwork/Promotion/Structure/Organization.

The extent of my knowledge includes:

  • A very extensive knowledge of HTML, XHTML, JavaScript, and Photoshop 7.0 Image Design
  • A fairly advanced knowledge of Macromedia Flash MX and the creation of Flash Websites and Shockwave Games
  • A beginner’s knowledge (just began learning) of PHP and MySQL

I am an organized person and an advanced writer. If I can help in any way, just let me know.

Name: Anthony Mangia
AIM: Aignam
E-mail: [email protected]



Thank you all for your support! I am hopping to be able to put this up on Sourceforge and keep it open source (though the engine choice may prevent this). As for an internal name, is FIRST Video Game ok? (this name is not what it is published as, just for signing up on SourceForge)

3ds Max…
Basic Web Design…

aim - Hardcore2xtremes
[email protected]

Ryan Morehart: Programming

Programmer, Website, Documentation

My skills:
Advanced knowledge of:

  • C/C++
  • Visual Basic
  • Java
  • PHP
  • DirectX (Direct3D/DirectMusic/etc.)

Intermediate knowledge of:

  • OpenGL
  • Perl

I tried writing a FIRST video game earlier … maybe I can contribute some of that code.

We may just be able to do this… :slight_smile:

Great job with the volunteering!

Well I’m not a programmer or CAD guy but I can do just about anything else that may be needed.

Name: Mike Mullinax
Aim: Patriots656
email:[email protected]

Edit: I’d also be willing to be an Alpha or Beta tester

As for me I could do some seriously good documenting and some program editing, debugging, if not a bit of writing. The problem: I’ve got vacation next week until the following Sunday (6/27) and IRI to attend. But, I definitely want to be involved in this project.

Joeseph Smith
[email protected]
AIM: joexiii007 (yet I’m not on often)

Are you taking reserved spots for Alpha or Beta testing yet??? :smiley:

I’m no programmer, but I know what I like and don’t like in video games and play a lot…
*(note: my newest system is a PS1 and oldest is a Colecovision with the exclusive add-on module to allow you to play Atari games too.:smiley: )

Oh, and I have computer gaming knowledge too… to some extent. :wink:

^^^^ i like what Elgin said, I’m here for alpha/beta testing also… and since Elgin listed his resume, why not- i own, and i mean pwn SNES, N64, gameboy, gameboy slim, gameboy color, gameboy advance, and PS2… and yes, I am also a rather experienced PC player, so if yall need any bugs testing just send me a buzz…

sign me up for 2D. i haven’t used adobe in a while, but using photoshop is like riding a bike…once you learn, you never forget.

  • 2D: Textures, logos, etc.
  • Docs: people who can write documentation.

this is a much better idea that when i told everybody who was interested to PM me - kudos to Astronouth7303

And generated a better response… :slight_smile:

Only Astronouth and I that I know of…

Oh, yeah. We appreciate testers too. :slight_smile: