[FVG]: Progress

i know that people have been working on things on their own, but have no idea how the progress is going. anybody who is working on something, can you please post here how it is going?

As far as 3D is concerned, I have modeled the base for HOTBOT as well as the claw. I still need to do the arm and redo the wheels, and I’ll be done. I’ll try to also have a simple animation of it moving if I can.

After HOTBOT is done, I’ll also get to redoing the field.

good job. :slight_smile:

i will hopefully be getting 3DSMAX from Bharat after school starts, then i am going to make an attempt at modeling our bot. i am heading animation this year ( :ahh: ) so i need practice anyway

after the model and field are done, we can get a nice screenshot to go on the wiki :smiley:

Ok, I’m going to work on it a bit right now, but work from my end might slow down a bit once school starts tomorrow, I won’t put it past some of my teachers for a heavy workload. :rolleyes:

going into my senior year, and having a really great schedule (with 2 lunches in the first semester, and 3 lunches in the second :wink: ), i won’t be as busy as i was last school year. however, i will be taking creative writing I and II, and i’ll have to write poetry :ahh: so that may take me a while if i want to do well.

I sure hope that copy of 3DSMAX you are going to be getting from Bharat fully licensed and legal copy. I am just bringing this up as a result of how you stated that above sentence.

We all know that pirating is a bad idea… :]

yes, its the legal copy from the 2004 kit. bharat was going to be the head animator so he had it, but over the summer he told me he thought i would be better at it. he’s goign to give me the copy in school so i can take it home and get started.

I wanna go to your school! I’m a senior, too, but I have 7 IB classes and a bunch of clubs/activities, so I’ll be busy.

i have gym, cp english IV, and 10 semester electives. :smiley:

this has really gotten off topic. :yikes:

10 semester electives?? How’d you fit that in your schedule. I couldn’t do 10 if I wanted too. Only, uh, counts 8. No, that’s wrong; I could get 10 if I got everything else done for senior year. Which is what will happen. :smiley: (I’m only a sophomore.)

But, on topic again, I haven’t done anything with FVG. :frowning: I’ve got a whole bunch of “fun” classes with teachers who like to have me practice at home what we do in class. :rolleyes:

even 10-20 minutes of work every weekend helps, we are not trying to meet a specific deadline, and things are moving along.

everybody just do what you can, and if you dotn get a chance for a while, dont worry about it. this is a free time project, and it isn’t going to go backwards, so we’ll get there. we just need to work on it when we can.