Our mill has arrived, but before we start to use it, I figured id try and learn the code for it.
I was able to make some cool triangle things in the software for the mill (MillMaster Pro for Windows - CNC Milling software for Mills and Torch Machines.), but I am having a HUGE difficulty with circles.
I have been trying for about 2 days, searched Google, and CD, but the program is always giving me a straight line, or a very sharp curve…
I am trying to learn to make simple circles, or even half circles.
I attached a photo with what is going on, any help is appreciated?
(The green is what the software is doing, the red is a crude sketch of what I want to happen)
And the code…(and what I think it should do?)
G90 //Set it to absolute mode, X+Y begin at 0, Z at 1.
G01 X5 Y5 //Put to center of circle, 5,5
G01 X1 Y5 //Go to starting point of circle, 4 away from center.
G01 Z-1 //lower the cutter
G02 X9 Y5 I5 J5 //Should make a semi-circle going out to 9,5 with a center of 5,5?
Note: In case someone says it… No, I am NOT doing this on any material, only the software, so I’m not breaking things.