
Does <G49> prevent passing of game pieces between robots on the same alliance? Not sure if that is something we would want to do, just wondering.

For those wonder, <g49> state ROBOTS may not attempt to POSSESS a GAME PIECE that is being POSSESSED by another ROBOT.

To me, this sounds like a robot cannot grab a piece from any other robot, even in their own alliance. However, if one robot was to ‘pass’ it to another by throwing it or etc., I would see that as legal. It’s a good question for the Q&A. :wink:

As long as the two robots don’t touch the tube at the same time then you’re fine. So I would recomend setting it on the ground and just hope the other alliance doesnt swoop in and take it.

Assuming you can grab off the ground - a very big assumption!

Is there a rule you can reference that says two robots can’t touch the tube at the same time. The only one I could find is specific to the ubertubes during autonomous ops.

How about <G49>, the title of this thread?

<G49> ROBOTS may not attempt to POSSESS a GAME PIECE that is being POSSESSED by another ROBOT. Violation: PENALTY

Now if you really meant touch, not POSSESS, no there is no rule against two ROBOTS touching the same GAME PIECE.

It is questionable whether rules such as this apply to ROBOTS on the same ALLIANCE. For example, can you get a PENALTY for pinning your teammate? Doesn’t make sense.

Ya know… We’re talking pins and needles here… i would suggest using whatever mechanism your going to use to place the inflated letter up on a peg to use the same principle but pass or drop piece onto your alliance bot… However… Precision is going to be key because one small miscalculation or mess up and it could possibly result in penalty… These are very good things to be wondering about though because they could lead to amazing strategies!

The strategy idea behind the question was “could we still use a robot whose arm (mechanism) becomes nonoperational?” what if you used that one as a game piece shuttle, allowing the other robots to focus onthe scoring?

There’s a nice, big area in front of your scoring pegs where you can drop tubes, and the other team can’t get them. If you want to shuttle tubes to other team mates, it will be dependent on their ability to pick those tubes up off the ground, or on clarification of this rule (from the GDC) to allow direct transfers within an alliance.

IMO, direct transfers won’t be allowed. This rule is primarily in place to prevent a tug of war with a game piece in the middle (likely destroying the game piece in the process). Even within an alliance, it’s way too easy for pieces to get caught on robots and popped when trying to transfer them.