Gallery of Kitbots 2024

I’m thinking this is a year where we see more teams than usual build out the Kitbots. I think it would be cool if teams had a spot to share their progress pictures as the work through it. Not really a build log, but for posting pictures about the Kitbots this year.

This might give us a better idea of how long it’s taking teams, how many teams are putting one together and also just a cool collection of robot pictures.

We used an old back panel since this will be a practice bot while we work on the real thing. Turns out when you have a stock of old KitBot Chassis parts they can come in handy. Why cut up the new stuff? Still has an inspection sticker! Everything besides the front and back plates are new


Didn’t have time to do wire clips before we left for the day. Double checked today and the inspection sticker was from Worlds 2019 Detroit

This is a great idea! I haven’t done a great job of taking specific pictures so the ones below will have to do.

Drive Train was completed on Tuesday, Jan 9. Don’t have a pic of it all done so the one below will have to do when we first started.

Electrical Board is 50% done as of Thursday, Jan 11. Will be completed on Saturday.

Programming is ready to test (complete as far as they know!) as of Thursday, Jan 11. We had to switch the provided code over from SparkMax to Talons since we are saving all of our SparkMaxes for our actual comp bot. This was a good exercise for the new students.

Shooter is about 60-ish% complete. It will be completed Saturday. We opted out of the Black Tote so we had to use our CNC Plasma to make the corner brackets, motor mount bracket, and mounting plates.

We are aware the diagonal plate is shown backwards in the pic below (needs to be rotated on the long side). It’s not all mounted together just yet so this was just to show off. This will be done tomorrow!

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Keeping the updates going. Won’t see any more progress until next week. We got snowed out for our Saturday meeting.

At the end of our meeting last night, Joystick driving worked and the lower half is wired and done. We are getting our parts for the upper half done. Planning to cut our own brackets for Omio practice.



We just finished our kitbot last Saturday (1/13)!

We created a build blog to document our progress here: 2024 KitBot in (5?) Days - 694 StuyPulse?


We finished the kitbot mechanically and now have to do the electronics.

We did test the shooter and it seems pretty good, but not the most powerful thing. The battery we used to shoot it was almost certainly not charged, but this was at the end of a meeting and we didn’t have time to grab a charged one.

Kitbot Shoot


We finished assembly of the Kitbot on Saturday. Unfortunately, we were about 10 minutes away from driving and shooting notes. We thought it was a great experience for our new members to see a robot from beginning to end in a short amount of time. Good for mechanical, electrical, and programming.

Did it take away from our prototyping time? Possibly. But at least this year, we don’t think that will be a detriment (ask me again in March if that’s true LOL).


We finished our Kitbot this past Saturday! I don’t have any stationary photos, but I do have a slow-mo video while we were investigating the left hook issue a few teams are seeing.

To us, it looks like it’s springing off of the right side rail after it comes off of the shooter wheels.

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We ar building the kitbot24 as well. We tested it today and it looks like we are having similar problems of the Note not shooting straight.

Is it too much compression?

did you find a solution?


Yes, we have the same issue. shooting to left.

We are trying smaller shooter wheels and we’ll see how it compares. It will apply less compression but that means it won’t shoot as far probably

It goes left still.


Our kitbot at a district STEM showcase!


8243 got our kitbot to shoot straight by lowering the guard rail an ~inch and pulling back the extra poly carb on the guard rail. Slow mo video can be found here:


Not to derail this thread but prototyping seems incredibly important this year, much more so than the last two years imho. These notes are a pain man…

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