Game Balancing

After watching the Cleveland regional yesterday I feel that stacking boxes doesn’t play a large enough role in this game. If I were calling the shots, I would adjust the scoring rules so that boxes in the tallest stack are still worth 1 pt. This would make a stack of 8 worth 64 points on its own.

I think it would create a much more interesting game to watch, although we did build a stacker so I might be a little biased.

That would have been interesting yes… but… I think a lot of teams looked at what is probably going to be more emphasized in scoring when they built.

Then again, I think a lot of the Ramp-Dom’s may have gone too far. Some of the most effective bots never left their 30x36x60.

If the rules had been how you stated before, yea I think the balance and more attempts at stacking would make it more exciting… Live and Learn

That’s very true. My idea would’ve been to just lessen the amount of points you gained from being on top of the HDPE… 25 points is enormous and if you’ve got both robot on the alliance up there, you’ve pretty much won. With the lack of good stackers, it holds up even more true. Those 25 points are just excessive. The stack being also worth 1 point each is also a great idea. Then it doesn’t require you to have to steal opponent bins to be able to compensate if you don’t have enough bins.

So then the game would be: make a huge stack, hug the wall, and then in the last second bring it out to give yourself loads of points.

I think it’s fine the way it is: besides, the construction period is over.

*Originally posted by Ben Mitchell *
**So then the game would be: make a huge stack, hug the wall, and then in the last second bring it out to give yourself loads of points.

I think it’s fine the way it is: besides, the construction period is over. **

Riiiight because as we’ve seen, it is so easy to make a huge stack, nonetheless keep it until the end.

I had the same idea for balancing the scoring. We lost 2 of the 3 matches where we succesfully made a stack. If that rule had changed, we would have won 2 of the 3 matches. It isn’t enough to make a huge difference in the play of the game, but enough to make it slightly less lopsided.