Game Hint: How Long to 1,000 posts?

Well, I see the official game hint has been up for an hour and has already generated 25 posts…

How long do you think it will take to hit 1,000?

For bonus points… predict exactly when the 1,000th post will be made. I’m going for December 27 at 9:43 pm Pacific time.


Dec 26 9:42 p.m.

Hey, we never made it to 1,000 with the fish hint last year, and you would think that we would have. My bet is…never :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m with Kara, searching through prior game hints, it looks like the fish hint last year hit ~880.

This hint will be solved before then.

I would say 2-3 days.

dec 27 at 7 pm eastern time

Never as a new hint will come out and a new thread will start.

No hint will ever contain that much information and have that much time before kickoff to go that high!

I think never. It will rise quickly at first but slow down after a lot of idea have been suggested.

January 1st 2010 00:00 AM :smiley:
Which time zone? ummm…I’ll go with West Coast time (Western, right?)

The hint thread grew to 150 posts in 5 hours. Extrapolating, and assuming a common rate of posting, it will reach 1000 posts in 33 hours, with a post rate of 30 posts per hour.

Most people sleep during the night, so posting slows from around 11PM to 9AM.

Taking this into account, the thread should reach 1000 posts on Saturday morning-ish.

This model assumes that new hints don’t form new threads and nobody gets bored/frustrated/physically ill from the current hint.

I agree with everyone that said never. Considering this was released as a first game hint, there is probably another hint coming, which means a new thread, which means people will continue a discussion of both hints and their relation there.

Its the second hint thread that will really explode. it allways is

Never, picture hints are never as much fun as the riddle hints.

Never I don’t think it will pass over 500 posts. It will probably be replaced with a new hint by that time. Now if it was a video hint…

Just made post number 208 in that thread.
With that rate, & not everyone seeing it yet because of Christmas Eve/Christmas, & given they don’t release a new hint before then, I predict that we will see post number 1000 on December 29th.
We’ll see.

There’s about 250 now. I guess that by next Wednesday, 12/30, there will be 1000.

I’m thinking it won’t be till after the game is revealed. Pretty soon we’ll all run out of ideas. Unless two or three people constantly back-and-fourth.