Just saving teams time, the code for the encrypted manual is:
Just saving teams time, the code for the encrypted manual is:
Unencrypted Manual here:
I will be adding more Stronghold documents to this folder as I decrypt them:
Edit from a Mod:* Please do not “host” FIRST documents, these are updated frequently and can cause confusion coming from multiple sources. *
FIRST explicitly asks us not to rehost their materials. If you want to do this for internal team use, that is fine, but you should not be rehosting their materials for the general community.
FIRST does not like people rehosting the manual. Unless you have explicit permission, I would recommend you take it down.
If FIRST doesn’t want us rehosting their materials, they should host a decrypted version of the file. This is just for quick use on kickoff—it will be taken down afterwards.
If CD mods decide that my post is inappropriate, then I’ll remove it.
EDIT: from a legal perspective, I believe my hosting of the FRC Game Manual qualifies as Fair Use under the four factor test: 1) Use of the FRC Game Manual is intrinsically for non-profit, educational use, 2) the uploading of the files for inter-community use for a very small amount of time is a limited use of the work in the context of its use for the US FIRST competetion season and as the official 2016 game, and 3) my distribution of the manual has no effect on the value of the US FIRST 2016 Game, as the works are also distributed for free on their website.
nightpool, the issue is there is now access to an uncontrolled version of the manual available to teams. I seem to be unable to find it, but it is stated somewhere to not re-host FIRST documents. They have everything the teams need here, and this is where teams should be going for the most up to date documents.
If anyone does not want to follow the requests of FIRST and the Chief Delphi forums then I would ask you to refrain from posting.
As I said, I’m fine with any decisions the mods make (and have made) regarding my post. I do not think that hosting the documents for one day on kickoff, and removing them after kickoff is complete, goes against the spirit of the post people are linking—which is to provide teams with up-to-date information. But the mods of CD are the final arbiter of what they want on their forum.
The manual is FIRST’s Intellectual Property. They can determine what they want and for what reasons. They have requested it not be rehosted, that is their right and you should respect it.