Game Manual updates

There has been updates to sections of the manual, but it appears that the changes are not highlighted as was done in the past, forcing us to do manual compare between original and new version. Anyone know if the actual changes are highlighted anywhere??

CHARGED UP - Season Materials | FIRST has the updates at

See Team update 01.

The changes are highlighted only in team updates, not in the game manual.

Notably, there are some changes in the latest version of the manual that were not included in the team update. FIRST corrected several broken reference errors (like the endgame start time), but didn’t note it anywhere I could find.


what are those updates, can you list them for me and my team

I highly encourage you and your team to read the game manual and team updates for yourselves. The exact language of the manual is important, and any summary here is entirely unofficial.

That said, for accessability purposes, a summary of changes in team update 01:

  • Momentary exceptions for carrying 2+ game pieces were removed.
  • Team verstion field element drawings were fixed.
  • Alliance colors for playoff match 12 were swapped.
  • Andymark part numbers for REV motors were listed as legal.
  • Various typos were corrected.

Im so new I have no idea where to find the updated version of the manual

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In the exact same place you found the original: Game & Season Materials. Get rid of the PDF you have, and note the revision marking next to the download link.

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