Game Manual versus Field CAD Discrepancy

While working on the field for 1678 I noticed that the Game manual lists the dimensions for the cage heights as
Shallow 29.375 inches to the bottom of the cage
Deep 3.5 inches to the bottom of the cage

Meanwhile the Field CAD gives the following dimensions
Shallow 30.125 inches to the bottom of the cage
Deep 3.125 inches to the bottom of the cage

Seems like a pretty big discrepancy and the kicker here is that we set the eye bolts up the correct distance from the floor, used the correct carabiners, and the exact chain specified and it came out to near exactly match the Field CAD.


There is a tolerance range usually for these things. For example, last year the height chain had a tolerance of +/- an inch (I think, maybe it was 1/2 inch).

Page 19 of 160 in V0 of the manual states:
“Every effort is made to ensure that ARENAS are consistent from event to event. However, ARENAS are assembled in different venues by different event staff and some small variations occur. For details regarding assembly tolerances, please refer to the 2025 ARENA Layout and Marking Diagram. Successful teams will design ROBOTS that are insensitive to these variations.”

The Arena Layout docs indicate tolerances of 1/2 an inch.

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This happend last year too with the speaker side plates geometry too, no?


0.75 off is more than 0.5 inches off though.

While the game manual is “definitive,” the CAD likely matches intent, and I’d expect this to be fixed in the team update tomorrow.

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It’s only .375 in. off which is within the discrepency


There are different wrong numbers and one of them off by 3/4 of an inch.

Team update 1 makes the field cad the official value