[GameSense] Ep. 5 w/ Mike from Australia!


Lots of teams pick alliances. Few pick winning alliances. What does a winning alliance look like this year?

Can’t get enough FIRST? **Join GameSense this Wednesday from 9-10 PM ET **for our fifth episode of the season! Joining us is Mike Heimlich from 2016 Australia Regional winners, FRC 3132. Mike has been one of the people involved with the making the Australia Regional happen, and a big fan of FIRST down under!

This week, we’ll be talking about all the performances from around FRC this week, as well as how to alliances are making the choice between points and visibility, and what we think an alliance that can win a regional looks like.

Stay tuned after the show for our weekly 30 minute Q&A with the Twitch.tv chat. As us anything through our Twitch chat bot and we might pick your question to discuss after the show!

Let’s talk robots! Check it out Wednesday 3/22 at 9 PM ET, 6 PM PT, or 12 PM Thursday Australian Eastern Time at twitch.tv/FRCGameSense or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=(youtube.com/FRCGamesense)

Really looking forward to hanging out with the GameSense crew and diving into Stronghold halfway through–what has been and promises to continue to be–an exciting season!

Looking forward to this weeks GS.

We’re going live in a couple minutes! Tune in at twitch.tv/FRCGameSense and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=(youtube.com/FRCGameSense)

I have always enjoy game sense for many seasons. Thanks Evan for the shout out for team 5920 VIKotics. You can see it at 13:30 on this weeks game sense.

Any reason this episode isn’t on iTunes?

Sorry about that! I was traveling for work, then went straight to an event on Saturday. You should expect an update in under an hour! Thank you for the reminder :smiley:

Thanks. It’s my main source of audio these days. I haven’t listened to the radio in literally months.