See Question/answer #163. I’m still giggling.
“Thanks for Askin’” would have been a better response.
This is one of the greatest things my eyes have seen. I ran the whole gamut of emotions; I cried, I was angry, I was happy! This has changed my whole life! :deadhorse:
Such a thorough answer to a complex question “sarcasm” is included ::rtm::
Yeah when I first saw it immediately made it part of the sig
I don’t think I will forget this anytime soon.
Two more bits from the GDC (serious part of the answers removed)
Q231 Q. Can we have flying “quad-copters” that fly around while still being bound to the robot?
A. You can try! …
and now
Q234 Q. If others team’s totes were to somehow fall onto our side if the field, would we be able to take those totes and stack it onto our totes to accumulate more points?
A. You betcha. …
When I saw the answer to Q#163, I immediately knew this would be a great build season. It made my day/week/month/life so much better! I can’t wait to see how many people reference this during competition!