im sorry if this has already been asked, mi didnt find any resluts so here’s my question:
Where are the Gear assembly instructions?
We have connected the CIM motor to the Gear Box of bane bots, and we cant find how/with what should we connect the gear to a wheel…
we seem to be missing an adapter which locks the hinge to a sprocket and then a wheel.
The drive system is essentially the same as last year. The small sprocket goes on the output shaft of the CIM/Banebot transmission. You will need a key for the small sprocket. The large sprocket is attached to the wheel. Chain connects between the two.
Instructions from last year can be adapted for many different mechanisms. The best part about this competition is that is not a true kit. You have to design and modify instead of just assembling.
If you measure the width of the keyway in the shaft, that is the key size. Since I do not have one with me, I am guessing that is 1/8" square (per KOP checklist = 1/8"). Easy to find in the USA from McMaster. The key material is a little oversize and may need filing to fit. I buy the steek square stock instead.