Gear It Forward Scouting System

This scouting program for Aerial Assist is meant to be used in tandem with our team’s scouting sheets, which can be found here:

The program uses buttons on the keyboard to track score (for example, Q is a high goal missed shot). It is intended for keybinding to gaming controllers (via a 3rd party program) to allow ease of use by multiple people simultaneously. See linked files for a list of key binds.

The program consists of 7 panels: the Operator Panel (leftmost) and six Data Panels (one for each robot on the field).

Instructions for use:

  1. Type in match number (MUST hit enter after entry)
  2. If the MatchSchedule.csv file is available, team numbers will be automatically entered. If not, manually enter team numbers (also hit enter after entry)
  3. Press “Begin” button
  4. Enter data
  5. Hit “Save” button
  6. Repeat!

The program receives team numbers from a manually generated CSV file that must be located in the working directory (example found in the linked files). In a later version, it will be automatically generated.

Hitting the "Save button sends all data values to a CSV file in the working directory called RawData.csv. The contents of this file are not overwritten, but are expanded upon each save operation. The spreadsheets (found at the top of this post) import the RawData file and analyze the data. This program is simply data collection, no analysis or mathematics whatsoever.

This program requires Java (16.1 KB) (16.1 KB)