I’m learning the Inventor 7 software and I’ve been working on drive models for this season. I’ve encountered a problem however, I cannot figure out how to make gears or sprockets. If anybody out there knows how I could do this could you please inform me.
Find the diameter of the sprocket between the teeth, and in between the teeth. Make a cricle the diameter of the distance inbetween the teeth, then extrude that to the thickness you need. Then put a skecth on that, and selcet the contuction line option (top right corner in the drop down menu), and make another circle the diameter of the larger distance, from tooth end to tooth end. Then make sketch on that, from the inside circle, to the constuction circle. You will need to make some measurements on the angle of the teeth and such, but one you have that, finish the sketch, and extrude the single tooth to the thickness you need. Then do a circular pattern, picking the number of teeth in the sprocket or gear. An bada bag a gear or sprocket. A note with sprockets, fillets are most likely going to be needed inbetween the bottoms of each tooth.
Hope that helps, if you have any questions, I’ll be glad to help. I just finished sketching our teams new sprockets.
Draw a slice of the gear/sproket (triangle with tooth profile on top), then circle pattern it.
Is there a reason to actually draw the teeth, besides cosmetic (not that cosmetic isnt important )? Why not just use cylindrical representations? You could still check for proper meshing and other conflicts and would save computer memory and CPU time… and the frustration that tends to come with tooth profiles.