As a team, we started to look back at our old logs and realized we had a very high CAN utilization last season with spikes to 100%. What are some tips other teams use to help minimize their CAN utilization?
Depends what youre using on the bot. 18 Falcon500’s are going to use a lot. 3, not so much.
As for how to reduce it, you can tune your status frames so it doesn’t send quite as much data, or move some devices to a CANivore (only supports certain CTRE devices, so not helpful if you’re a REV team).
If you’re using CTRE devices that are Phoenix 6 compatible, I recommend upgrading from v5 now that v6 is “free-to-use”. They greatly improved their signal API so you can pretty easily tune the signals you need, and turn the others off.
All the other comments here are for CTRE devices (which are usually easier to optomize for CAN utilization), but for REV devices, lower the update rate of various signals here: Development SPARK MAX User's Manual
I did not know about this. Very nice to see them adding this feature!