I am wondering if theres already a library out there that has everything you need with easy configuration (preferably with JSON files) that works with both Neo’s and Falcon’s, Thorough Bores, CANCoders, and Thrifty Absolute Encoders in any combination without using over 20% of the CPU.
Full disclosure I am close to releasing mine but it still has bugs at the moment , should I call it Generic Swerve Library (GSL) or Yet Another Swerve Library (YASL)
I’ve been surprised how many of these libraries don’t allow for use of CANivore natively, as running 8 falcons and 4 CANcoders is already enough to nearly require it. Hope yours does lol
I built that out originally, but I am focusing on getting my Neo implementation to work fully (right now I am tuning) before I attempt to completely support Falcons. I found out yesterday that somehow my code still works when the CANBus doesn’t work and some modules were missing, somehow . So far i have initialization down to 1 line and 5 JSON files. If you’re curious I am working off of this branch right now.
We are just now getting into the swerve game. What other libraries like this exist? A quick site search didn’t result in anything immediately meaningful.
I just got it working in the air for my teams bot with a bad SDS module, I will write up some documentation, tutorials, and clean up the example on how to use it. Probably wont put it in a vendordep yet but maybe soon! My library is completely configurable via JSON files and has a 1 line initialization and is simulation compatible. I want to implement advantagekit but that seems like it’s more effort than its worth for now.