Get a NetComm error opening a new default Labview robot code

Here’s an update with findings that I hope lets most of you move forward when you encounter this problem.

First, we are fairly certain that the problem is related to how one of the drivers is being installed in the computers that show the behavior.

Second, in the affected computers we were able to see that the difference between a “working” and “broken” Robot (caused by the System Exec VI) relies on the type of target being used in the project. To be more specific, then the target is set as a roboRIO 1.0, there are no issues; but when it is set as a roboRIO 2.0, we see the problem show up.

Third, we can reproduce the issue without CTRE libraries installed.

There are a some ways to solve the problem:

  1. (Preferred) Upgrade the NI CompactRIO driver to its latest version. We are seeing positive results with the new driver installed in the affected machines and recommend this route to resolution. We have not validated this component with the full FRC ecosystem and third-party partners, but foresee no problems, either. This should solve the problems with opening most projects (for this season and older).
  2. Create a new roboRIO 1.0 target and move your robot code to it. Right click on your project file (top of the tree in the project explorer) and select New > Targets and Devices. Then select New Target or Device, and navigate to roboRIO > roboRIO. After creating the target, drag your code files from your previous target to the newly created one. Configure the IP address by right clicking the new target and selecting Properties. You will also have to recreate the build specification. This will just solve the problem for the project you are working on.
  3. Create a new robot project and move the files to the new project’s target. As suggested by others’ above, this accomplishes a similar effect as the previous method without having to create a new build specification or configure the target’s IP address. This will just solve the problem for the project you are working on.

Let us know any other findings you have. Thanks to the teams that have generously provided reproducing cases for the NI team to review.
