getting adxl345 to work


I’m a mentor in software in a rookie team and we’re trying to get the ADXL345 accelerometer sensor to work with no luck. It’s kind of frustrating since we have 4 days in this with no luck.

Do somebody know a tutorial that actually explains how to get this sensor to work step by step? because the example code that is in the NI page we are not understanding what they do and how to use that info to actually make it work in our program.

Please note that we’re using LabView 2012, and that we’re a rookie team and this is the first year we’re competing.

Thanks in advance.

The ADXL345 I2C Accelerometer example shows how to connect to and read from the device. Once you have it working, you can copy the Open into, copy the Close into, and copy the Read wherever you want to use it. Find the I2C RefNum get and set functions in the WPI Library -> Communications -> I2C function palette.

Thank you a lot, the only tutorial we found on internet was using the other protocol, but now that you said it it makes a lot of sense.

I think we were just too frustrated because we didn’t make work at first.

I’ll try that and let you know it all went. Thanks

Ok i make it work, Thanks a lot for your help