Getting audio license, some questions

well this is kinda new to us our second year
and we wanted to know how you guys get licenses for tracks and such
for your animation?

we also were wondering is it ok to record our own say piano track
if that is like a stevie wonder song
or if we can play our beatles or whatever track?
is that ok?

We have used two sources for the music in our videos. One is the canned music available in Pinnacle Studio, a video editing software package. The other is royalty free music available from Freeplay. Since we purchased these packages, we have full rights to use this music in our animation. We only use 3dsMax to animate, and then move the clip into a video editing program to put the final animation together. We render in 3dsMax at highest quality, and do our compression (Cinepak) with the video editing software.
We have also recorded sounds from our robot interacting with the playing field (pneumatics, gripping the bar to hang in 2003, etc.). These are very easy to place using a video editing package.

Unfortunately you cannot use copyrighted songs - even if you record your own version of it.

Indeed, you’d have to have the permission of both the songwriter and the group that recorded it to use a piece in your animation, at least under US copyright law. As for Israeli copyright law, I don’t know. (I’d contact FIRST to see if they can clarify which one you should follow.)

Of course, there is always rolling your own. There’s plenty of ways to get music you have permission to use. There’s several sites devoted to posting music licensed under Creative Commons licenses of various sorts, and you can also roll your own using software like Apple’s GarageBand. (I’ve done that personally for my radio show–it’s not that difficult.)

Bring the topic up to your team. Chances are you have a musician or two on your roster. Ask them to record an original composition for you. Just don’t wait until the day before submission.

The animation is 90% creativity and 10% technical expertise. Music is just another dimension of your presentation.



The long answer is you can use copyrighted songs with the proper permissions. There are two steps, one get a performance licence, second get synchronization licence. Depending on the song these may be get able for around $200.00 for the first and the fee varies greatly with the second. If you are hoping to use a song under licence from Sony, just forget it. Sony will not even licence performance arrangements (high school marching band). You still have to perform and record the song. Your best source of help in finding out who to contact would be your high school band director. Hope this helps.

if only we had highschool bands =)
or cheerleaders for that matter :slight_smile:

200$ is pretty steep, I guess we will compose our own
or make some trance\house track for it thanks anyways for all the help
im guessing buying it on itunes dosen’t count right?

Unfortunately, no. Buying it on iTunes gives you permission to listen to it personally, but not to use it in a production or anything like that. There is a difference

ok, now I have a question: do you need a liscense for music played during the credits? From what I remember (which may be wrong) they don’t play those at the regionals…

If you didn’t write it or record it your self, you still are synchronizing it. Music and visuals together. (The term comes from the film industry.) If you compose it and record it, you still are synchronizing it… But if it’s yours you “give your self” permission to synchronize it. The public performance just makes matters worse if they (Riaa, etc) go after you. Best bet if you really want to use a off the shelf selection of music is to get written permission from the copyright holders, write your letters now, explain how and what you want to use it for and hope for the best. Some artists are very gracious (and they still control their music) As I said before, if it’s under licence from Sony don’t waste your time, pick something else.

Yes. They do play those during regionals actually, usually at lunch time at the ones I have attended.

Not that it matters for licensing purposes anyways your audience size - A couple of Judges vs Large Crowd, you still need that stamp of approval saying it’s cool to use the song.

thanks guys! now to get permission…

well if u just google free lencer music or something like that im sure ull get enough good music(instrumental) who will give u permision to use their music-i did that for last year and worked out great

yeah, that would be awsome, except we want a specific song (kind of ironic really, because we’re writing our own music for the main animation…)

For my animation i want to use some footstep sounds from I was wondering if i needed to get permission to use those in my animation even though you can get it for free. Also, do i need permission for audio from too?

Both of those sites have terms of use on the site. That is what you would refer to for those questions.

no sounddogs is totaly free and can be used in any movie or what ever but double check the EULA. Our team has made their own music via fruityloops and or acidloops and it always turns out great. they are all our own compositions so no worries

i think all you should do if you use the free stuff is give credit to the site where you got the free audio clips from like in the credits …

The best answer is to read the usage agreements from these on-line sites. As I understand’s you buy the sound effect you can use it. Freeplaymusic’s is a lot harder to understand. If you really want to know email these folks what you want and how you will use it and the play back aspects, performance and judging at the events, (which are free to the public, rather than a ticketed show) and they will tell you what the costs will be.