Our team plans on using the NVIDIA Jetson TK1 with OpenCV for vision this year. However, I also want the camera feed to show up on the SmartDashboard so that the driver can see what the bot is pointing at. I was thinking about sending UDP packets with tower targeting info as well as the image to the RoboRIO, but is there a way to forward the image to the driver station SmartDashboard? I was also thinking we could just add another camera for the driver, but I wanted to have just one if possible.
It’s possible, but you need to modify the dashboard to read from the Tegra TK1 instead of the roboRIO. What language dashboard are you programming in? Labview is pretty easy to modify, I don’t know about the others.
We’re going to be using Java for the Smart dashboard
have 2 cameras on the robot, one for vision because the exposure works better when turned down and the other at normal sight so it works…ideally have a usb camera to the jetson and a axis to the router…that way you wont take up any extra processing cycles on either
Fauge7: how do you network a Jetson, an Axis, and a roboRio with the new radio? Only 2 ports?
Alright, you’re going to have to dig down into the vision code libraries for this one. Unfortunately I don’t have it installed to search. You need to search through it to find where it opens the network connection to the roborio on port 1180 and change the IP/name to your coprocessor. I recommend changing the library names when you save it so you have an alternative. In labview I’ve exposed the port & IP address at the top level so I can change it as desired.
It’s legal to run a network switch on the robot so long as the RIO is still plugged directly into the radio on the appropriate port.
a simple network switch, my team is not using a coprocessor as they are simply not needed for our use.
has anyone find a particularly small/light switch that seems adaptable for FRC?
I haven’t tried this, but this one seems to meet a few requirements, including able to run off the existing VREG