Getting Distance Variable from Camera with Java API

Hello, I posted earlier about getting the distance variable from RoboRealm, and that helped a lot. However, I don’t think my team can afford putting the Classmate on the robot to process RoboRealm.

Could I have some assistance coding to retrieve the distance to the goal fromt he Java API? I saw the 2013 Vision Sample code, but it still doesn’t make too much sense to me when I play around with it.

Why don’t you want to run RoboRealm on the driver station computer?

Isn’t it a rule that only the driver station can be the only running app on the comp. being used as the driver station? That’s my main reason if I’m correct on this.

In addition, I really want to learn how to program it with the API for personal challenge and to fine tunes things the way I would like.