Hello Everyone! We have had several errors with getting our code to work this year. I was able to fix all but one it seems like. The error reads “Hand cannot be resolved to a type.” I have tried cleaning the java workspace as well as uninstalling and reinstalling the vendor libraries to try and refresh whatever command is getting the error. Hand is the type of drive we use for the Drive with Joystick command. there is a singular error with the Drive With Joystick command in Robot Container saying Drive With Joystick is undefined but I think that the error correlates directly to the “Hand” drive not working. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
–8422 Husky Howlers
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The XBoxController class no longer (as of last season) accepts a Hand parameter, so the Hand class/enum/whatever was removed. New for 2022 — FIRST Robotics Competition documentation
Sounds good, I’ll give that a try. Thank you!
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