Also getting If and Else if, button value syntax errors in the start of the teleoperatedPeriod
#include “WPILib.h”
- This is an easy way to keep track of connections
- This code assumes the following connections:
- Driver Station:
- USB 1 - Main Drive Xbox controller
- USB 2 - Secondary Xbox
- Robot:
- Digital Sidecar 1:
- PWM 1 - Left Drive
- PWM 2 - Right Drive
- PWM 3 - Shooter
- PWM 4 - Ball Intake
- PWM 5 - Intake arm/lifter
- PWM 6 - Catcher
- PWM 7 - Connected to
- PWM 8 - Connected to
- PWM 9 - Connected to
- -Digital Sensors
-I/O 1 - Pneumatic sensor
-I/O 2 -
class Robot : public IterativeRobot
RobotDrive *TankDrive; // robot drive system
Joystick *Driver_Controller;
Joystick *Assistant_Controller;
LiveWindow *lw;
int autoLoopCounter;
Talon *Talon0; //Left Drive
Talon *Talon1; //Right Drive
Talon *Talon2; //up and down
Talon *Talon3; //arm close and open
Talon *Talon4; //intake wheels
Talon *Talon5; //spare
float Left_X_Axis_Driver; //when CamelCase doesn't fit, underscores work too
float Right_X_Axis_Driver; //float means long decimel
float Left_Y_Axis_Driver;
float Right_Y_Axis_Driver;
float Left_X_Axis_Assist; //when CamelCase doesn't fit, underscores work too
float Right_X_Axis_Assist; //float means long decimel
float Left_Y_Axis_Assist;
float Right_Y_Axis_Assist;
float AutoTimer;
Robot() :
TankDrive(1, 2), // these must be initialized in the same order
Driver_Controller(1), // as they are declared above.
TankDrive-> SetExpiration(0.1);
Left_X_Axis_Driver =0; //when CamelCase doesn't fit, underscores work too
Right_X_Axis_Driver =0; //float means long decimel
Left_Y_Axis_Driver =0;
Right_Y_Axis_Driver =0;
Left_X_Axis_Assist =0; //when CamelCase doesn't fit, underscores work too
Right_X_Axis_Assist =0; //float means long decimel
Left_Y_Axis_Assist =0;
Right_Y_Axis_Assist =0;
void RobotInit()
lw = LiveWindow::GetInstance();
void AutonomousInit()
autoLoopCounter = 0;
void AutonomousPeriodic(void) {
if(AutoTimer==0){ //starts timer and makes sure everything is stopped
void Timer::Start();
Talon1 -> Set(0);
Talon2 -> Set(0);
Talon3 -> Set(0);
Talon4 -> Set(0);
Talon5 -> Set(0);
else if(AutoTimer<2){ //Drive forward for 2 seconds
Talon1 -> Set(.3); //left drive 30%
Talon2 -> Set(-.3); //right drive 30%
Talon3 -> Set(0); //shooter 0%
Talon4 -> Set(0); //ball intake 0%
Talon5 -> Set(0); //intake arm/lifer 50%
else if(AutoTimer<7){ //Move launch motor for 5 seconds
Talon1 -> Set(0); //No movement
Talon2 -> Set(0);
Talon3 -> Set(0); //shooter 100%
Talon4 -> Set(0);
Talon5 -> Set(0);
else if(AutoTimer<8){ //Robot turning around-1 second (Zero Turn)
Talon1 -> Set(.5); //Left drive 50%
Talon2 -> Set(-.5); //Right drive 50% (backwards)
Talon3 -> Set(0);
Talon4 -> Set(0);
Talon5 -> Set(0);
else if(AutoTimer<10){ //Nothing going on
Talon1 -> Set(0);
Talon2 -> Set(0);
Talon3 -> Set(0);
Talon4 -> Set(0);
Talon5 -> Set(0);
else if(AutoTimer>10){ //Nothing going on
Talon1 -> Set(0);
Talon2 -> Set(0);
Talon3 -> Set(0);
Talon4 -> Set(0);
Talon5 -> Set(0);
void Timer::Stop(); //you can do a TON of clever stuff with one timer, and it gets bigger as you add more timers. be sure to take advantage of timers!
/** XBOX Controller Notes
* Buttons:
* A=1
* B=2
* X=3
* Y=4
* LB=5
* RB=6
* Back=7
* Start=8
* LeftAnalog=9
* RightAnalog=10
* Axis:
* LeftX=1
* LeftY=2
* RightX=4
* RightY=5
* Trigger=3 (Left moves -, Right moves +)
void TeleopInit()
void TeleopPeriodic()
void RobotDrive::TankDrive (float leftValue,float rightValue,bool squaredInputs = true);
Talon1 -> Set(-Left_Y_Axis_Driver); //Sets speed to Joy stick value
Talon2 -> Set(Right_Y_Axis_Driver);
if(Driver_Controller->bool GetRawButton(5)==0){
else if(Driver_Controller->bool GetRawButton(9)==0){
else{ //never forget your else