Getting Html and/or text reports from cRIO

I have recently stumbled upon a few VI’s in regards to writing up reports. I found a few but I think most of them were made for labview, not neccasarily labview with the cRIO. There is a MAX VI that can apparently write HTML and XML report files, but i see no way to designate a path. As for plain text file reports, i can designate a path, but when i attept to specify a ip address, im worried it will write the report on the RIO rather then on our labtop. I could have it write solely from the computer, which i will do first anyway, but i was wondering if anyone knew how to tell it to report on the cRIO but have the output be on the labtop, or at least if it does save on the RIO, how to pull my report out of the RIO for reviewing.

It will get a little more complicated, but here is the way to do it.

Build a VI to produce the report, put the VI under the My Computer target instead of the cRIO. When you want it to run on the laptop, you will use the VI server to run the VI. There are plenty of examples for how to use it to remotely execute a VI.

Greg McKaskle

If you must save the file on the cRIO file system, you can put a USB flash drive (aka USB stick) in the cRIO USB port and write it to the flash drive. Then, obviously, you can remove the USB flash drive and copy the file to the laptop.

What cRIO USB port?

Oops, beg your pardon. I guess the USB port was removed for the FRC version of the cRIO. My mistake.

you can ftp to your cRIo. I used it successfully.
go to a browser and type ftp://10.xx.yy.2