Getting started with FRC Programming

I have prior experience with FTC programming, but it seems that FRC programming is a whole other ball game. I would first like to start by making a program that powers a motor to the output of the x axis of a joystick, but am having trouble finding proper sample code or classes for this. Can anyone provide me with some help on this?

What language do you intend to use?


All the docs can be found here:

Read through this section and the few below it (excluding the Labview one), and that should be enough to get you going. If you have more questions after, definitely feel free to ask.

Also, the example projects might be helpful if you prefer to read through code:

This may be a good place to start:

Here is a resource document for FRC Java that I’ve been maintaining.
(Currently, the new documentation sites are “crossed out”, but I will be switching that over shortly since we are getting close to the kick-off)

Assuming you will want to use the Command-Based Framework, I’d recommend taking a look at one of the top three WPILIB YouTube series linked on the doc, and reading through all WPILIB and Command-Based Sections on the documentation site ( Particularly looking at the Not-deprecated Command-Based section as there are a few changes to Command-Based for next year that the videos won’t reflect.

Do you have a Github of previous FTC code that we could reference and help you make connections? That way, we can build off something you know.

This youtube tutorial is very similar to the method I use for teaching. It’s a touch faster than I like, but still does a really good job.

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