GGRrrr best Regional and no video

HAhaha i been looking forward to arizonas regional … best teams from anywhere playing for lil western pride

come on


68 and many others

how can you lose by watching this regional
just wish i was going

hahah its not being broacast but will anyone have videos of the matches?

Even better yet will anyone digitize them for the world to see?

I dont wanna miss out:ahh:


We’ve arranged for someone to tape it and send us a copy of the video. We will digitize soon thereafter.

Team 108 - SigmaC@T

haha Soap… my faith unshaken that you guys would handle it

cool, just a curiousity wut format are the videos gonna be … personally id preffer sticking with *.asf/ *.asx format compact and qthe qualitiy is enough to apperciate the matches at fullScreen as opposed to the quicktime format with take way more time to download

oh yeah and wut other regionals do you have set to digitize?

hahah anyways thank god for SOAP
