Okay, all - I’ve finally gotten arround to making another video. Some people liked my old work, so here is the new video for this year. The music is from the Matrix Revolutions soundtrack - the Neo vs Smith battle. That was the first question that popped up when we screened this within the team.
Please let me know what you think! Also, if you aren’t able to view the video, that means you don’t have DivX 5.11. There is a link to it from our video page and also from www.DivX.com.
LOL! I have to say that…I mean…it’s my team after all. But seriously, I think Jake did an awesome job and deserves a round of applause for it. Though…I still loved GerinMoe revealed more…it’s ok.
TF, the guy on the field is the coach of our Competition Team…Bob D. I told Jake he was distracting. Glad to see I’m not the only one who thought so.
We found that punching the ball down makes it significanlty harder to remove (this also depends on the amount of small balls in the goal). That arm is a beast with 2 Fisher Price motors, so it has a great deal of power to punch the balls down.
Key to what is actual match footage:
Is “Big Foot Bob” with his striking green “M.O.E.” jacket (I have one too ) in the picture?
If he is then it is a practice match. Otherwise, it is an actual match (unless we are MOE HQ but that is easy to notice)
If by wings you mean Kilts. I’m not sure if it’s visible from the movie, but take a look at our competition team’s attire sometime. They are representing the Scottish quite well.
The kilts are a multi-purpose tool on this year’s robot. There are many uses for them.
Everyone, if you haven’t taken the time to watch the video yet, please do. Our video team worked hard to get the footage taken and edited, and I’d have to say they did a pretty good job.
How dramatic! Great job on the editing… I’ve done a fair amount of video toasting for school projects, and I know how frustrating it can be when your software won’t talk to your camera and your camera won’t talk to your software and your computer is going soooooooo sloooooooooow because video editing gobbles up an insane amount of memory and the color correction you did on that 15-second clip is taking twenty minutes to render and now your computer won’t talk to your camera again and your camera won’t talk to your VCR and it’s 3:00 in the morning and you just want to KILL EVERYBODY!!!
what software does your video team use to make movies? I’m pondering making my own of Hummer2… if anyone has any advice to offer, AIMSN= politikershiva
Thanks for the positive feedback on this feature. Our team is moving to create a full-time video sub-team, and the first step was to get a brand-spankin’-new computer to do the video rendering on. With that said, this video rendered arround 40fps. We’re using the Adobe Premier Professional suite (including Premier Pro, After Effects, Audition, Encore, and Photoshop). We haven’t even begun toying with After Effects or Encore yet, but that will be fun when we do! Audition is AMAZING for audio manipulation.
If you want any more help with Hardware Specs or Software help, PM me - I’ll be glad to exchange knowledge. I still have a lot of learning to do with the Adobe suite! :ahh:
Im going to create a video to advertise our team’s custom gearbox, and seeing what other teams are doing video-wise is cool. We have a few people on our team who make videos. Namely Jessie, who this year made a video of the build season to the mr. roboto song. My gearbox movie is being done in iMovie(for all us Mac lovers). Good job, look for my video in roughly a month, I need to round up some competition footage that shows us shifting on the fly.
Good luck with the footage. The hardest time I have when putting together something is getting good footage. It isn’t like you can just say, “I really didn’t like my angles… could you build the robot for me again?”