Glibc 2.32 on Debian Bullseye?

So, about a month ago, my mother gave me a pixelbook that she is no longer using. I am loving this thing. Imagine my surprise when (after getting a few dependencies) WPILib ran well on it. Well, it does. Or, rather, did.

My code does build properly, but I most want to work through some algorithms at home with a romi, so I would like to use the simulator.

After the sample code builds, I get the following error while launching the simulator…

The new simulator seems to require glibc 2.32 because I am getting the following error…

/usr/bin/env HALSIM_EXTENSIONS=~/Robotics/WPILib/2023/2023Sim/build/jni/release/ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/Robotics/WPILib/2023/2023Sim/build/jni/release LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/Robotics/WPILib/2023/2023Sim/build/jni/release ~/wpilib/2023/jdk/bin/java -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=n,suspend=y,address=localhost: **** @/tmp/cp_d7mvy3ummoijy9c0yvnj5y2mc.argfile frc.robot.Main wpiHaljni could not be loaded from path or an embedded resource.
        attempted to load for platform /linux/x86-64/
Last Load Error: 
~/Robotics/WPILib/2023/2023Sim/build/jni/release/ /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.32' not found (required by ~/Robotics/WPILib/2023/2023Sim/build/jni/release/

        at edu.wpi.first.util.RuntimeLoader.loadLibrary(
        at edu.wpi.first.hal.JNIWrapper.<clinit>(
        at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.RobotBase.startRobot(
        at frc.robot.Main.main(

So, does anyone know where I might begin with installing the new version (I have glibc 2.31) . I know you all have more important things to do right now, and this is after all me running WPILib on a chromebook (though it is a 64 bit Intel).

Other than this, I am surprised how capable this little machine is. The only other thing it does not run is Davinci Resolve (You would be surprised the graphics card requirements for the linux version of that software).

I am running the standard OS with the developer Linux sandbox (which is bullseye).

I did google this and came up empty.
Thanks for all your help.

For 2023 everything is built with ubuntu 22.04, which has a newer glibc than bullseye. It’s generally difficult to get a newer glibc without upgrading the whole OS.


You may have success running everything in an Ubuntu 22.04 chroot or container. I haven’t tried running the sim GUI in such setups recently so I can’t offer much advice on this front.

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Thank you both. @Peter_Johnson I sort of thought that may be the case. @auscompgeek that is incredible. I will attempt that when I get some time. I will report back on whether it works, but it looks promising. Again, thus far everything else is working. I just did not want to wipe the machine completely to do the dual boot.

The chroot option seems promising as that would be the easiest way to upgrade the OS and would solve this dependancy (of course there could be others missing as well :slight_smile:

Thank you both once again.
First, that totally worked. It was a bit awkward getting the Ubuntu container running in the Crostini, but these directions worked a treat,

Second, as I was re-downloading WPILib, I realized that I had missed the bold explanation on the docs that clearly says glibc2.32 is required :slight_smile: Thank you again for taking the time to help me out.

Anyway, I not only have the simulator running, the field 2d widget works as well.

I am continually impressed with WPILib and how powerful yet approachable it all is.

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