Posted by Nate Smith.
Other on team #66, GM Powertrain/Willow Run HS, from Eastern Michigan University and GM Powertrain.
Posted on 3/25/2000 10:44 PM MST
After a very successful field test in Chicago, team 65 and 66 is proud to announce that the GMCIA Scouting Network will be fully operational at the 2000 National Competition. This will be a shared scouting network, and we are currently looking for teams to connect in. If you are interested, please e-mail me at [email protected] ASAP to get the details. Good luck, and see you in Florida!
Nate Smith
GMCIA Network
Posted by Nate Smith.
Other on team #66, GM Powertrain/Willow Run HS, from Eastern Michigan University and GM Powertrain.
Posted on 3/27/2000 4:13 PM MST
In Reply to: GMCIA Scouting System - We’re on for Florida! posted by Nate Smith on 3/25/2000 10:44 PM MST:
I have gotten a lot of e-mail in the past 2 days on one topic: the announcement of open slots in the GMCIA network for the national competition at WDW this year. Currently, of our 17 available slots, if all teams who have expressed an interest take part, we will have 13 teams interconnected. That means that if you have not yet sent an e-mail to me at [email protected], you are running out of time! Please e-mail me ASAP to let me know of your interest in this system. If we get all 17 slots filled, that would mean that each involved team would only have to scout approximately 16 teams in order to gather all of the scouting information. In your e-mail, please include a list of the different criteria that your team uses when scouting.
Nate Smith
Posted by Nate Smith.
Other on team #66, GM Powertrain/Willow Run HS, from Eastern Michigan University and GM Powertrain.
Posted on 3/28/2000 11:08 AM MST
In Reply to: GMCIA Scouting System - We’re on for Florida! posted by Nate Smith on 3/25/2000 10:44 PM MST:
I have just recieved word that two of the teams participating in the GMCIA scouting network at the national competition have secured or are working to secure additional network hubs in order to allow more teams to be connected into the GMCIA network. With the numbers that I have recieved on hub size, this additional hardware will effectively double the number of available connections into the network. However, if the first 17 slots were any indication, these additional spaces(exact number still TBD) will go quickly, so send an e-mail to me at [email protected] ASAP if you have not yet, and are interested in taking part in this network.
Network format:
RJ-45 Ethernet Hubs(10base-T)
System is running as a web server, using TCP/IP protocol on port 8000.
Necessary Equipment:
Computer with an Ethernet(RJ-45) port and a working web browser.
A 10-25 ft cable to connect your machine to the hub.
Data sharing Method:
Once the list of teams connecting into the GMCIA has been confirmed, a list will be generated, dividing the teams competing at Epcot among the teams participating in the network. There will be some overlap of teams, in order to get a more accurate data set. The participating teams will gather information on their assigned teams, and then return to the Command Center, where this data will be entered into the shared database. The database will be able to process the data on demand, giving you a detailed analysis of a team’s strengths and weaknesses.
To sign up:
Send me an e-mail at [email protected] ASAP with a list of the criteria that your scouts currently use. I will take this list and create a standard GMCIA scouting form, to avoid confusion caused by many different data sets. This form will be in MS Word format, and will be e-mailed to all team contacts once it is completed(hopefully by this weekend.)
Nate Smith
GMCIA Team Coordinator