Go Kart

Hey All,

I was wondering if any of you FIRSTers out there own a Go Kart and if so would you happen to know where I can purchase parts…

I’m looking for parts in particular for a Viper 260cc aka Xingyues XYKD260-1 Go Kart.

                                          Good Luck on the upcoming season

I prefer my car :smiley:

But, I am building a large combat robot that uses an ICE engine. I’ve found this site to have lots of useful go-kart parts.

Ebay is another good bet. :cool:

I tried E-Bay…

No Dice :frowning:

I contacted the manufacturer w/ no luck :frowning: guess I’ll have to keep trying… off to go check the site link you put up.

:eek: This is the Go Kart / Dune Buggy that I was talking about

100_0048 - Copy.JPG

100_0048 - Copy.JPG

What kind of parts do you need? Brakes? Clutches? Suspension thingys?

Gas Pedal Asyy. or at least the grease nipple fitting that goes on it…
The shift knob which can probably be found in any auto store
And a Box Fram solenoid. the purpose of it is to prevent accidental shifting into the opposite gear w/o coming to a complete stop first. It’s mounted on the shifter and actuates when the break pedal is depressed. We think it needs to be replaced b/c everytime you step on the brake it actuates so it may be burned out otherwise the next thing I’ll have to replace is the master cylinder b/cit’s wired to another part / sensor / solenoid there.