Goal Bolt Lengths

Posted by Dodd Stacy at 1/19/2001 10:51 AM EST

Engineer on team #95, Lebanon Robotics Team, from Lebanon High School and CRREL/CREARE.

Does anyone have information on whether the 1/4-20 x 1 1/2 inch carriage bolts (BO7) attaching the casters and Kee Klamp flanges to the goal bases are intended to go head up or head down? We first assumed head up and installed them so, but they stuck out so far on the bottom they interfered with caster rotation.

They also made the bottom surface of the goal pretty ugly for reaching under with a picker-upper mechanism. So we inverted the bolts to head down and let the excess length stick up. We want to get a correct definition of the goal underside neighborhood before groping around under there developing lifting hardware.

Does anybody else have input on this? Thanks.


Posted by Jason Rukes at 1/19/2001 11:02 AM EST

Engineer on team #109, Arial Systems & Libertyville HS, from Libertyville High School and Arial Systems Corp & SEC Design.

In Reply to: Goal Bolt Lengths
Posted by Dodd Stacy on 1/19/2001 10:51 AM EST:

Looking at Kick-off photos of the goal, the nuts should be on the bottom of the goal (head up). I think the bolts should have been shorter. I’d post the photo but we are STILL trying to get a website.


Posted by Doyle Capps at 1/19/2001 11:18 AM EST

Other on team #343, Metal in Motion, from Hamilton Career Center.

In Reply to: Goal Bolt Lengths
Posted by Dodd Stacy on 1/19/2001 10:51 AM EST:

Pictures are on our web site - www.metalinmotion.com

Look for the kick-off pictures near the bottom of the home page.

Posted by Dodd Stacy at 1/19/2001 12:12 PM EST

Engineer on team #95, Lebanon Robotics Team, from Lebanon High School and CRREL/CREARE.

In Reply to: Re: Goal Bolt Lengths - Pictures
Posted by Doyle Capps on 1/19/2001 11:18 AM EST:

: Pictures are on our web site - www.metalinmotion.com

: Look for the kick-off pictures near the bottom of the home page.

Thank you, Doyle. Your picture of those ugly protruding bolts on the FIRST Kickoff goal looks just like our goal did. Sigh.

What an OUTSTANDING website and maintenance job you guys are doing. Every team should check out your work.
