Goals for 2012

With the New Year right around the corner and FIRST starting up right after that, what are some of your teams/personal goals for this coming season? Here are a few of mine/my teams:

  1. I’ve been involved for 12 years and as a Senior I would love to go to the Championship since I have not gone, I have only seen my brothers go.
  2. I want team 134 to win a competition
  3. Personally as the webmaster, I want to win a website award!
  1. Win a regional
  2. Compete in the elimination matches at Championships
  3. Build a robot that isn’t 119.999999 lbs

Just took a peek at your site; it looks great! I hope you this goal gets completed; the best of luck to you! :smiley:

Ok, I will post a small list - though it probably could be much larger:

#1 - Have as many people that start the build season finish the build season.
#2 - Eat less pizza.
#3 - Eat less subway.
#4 - Sleep more (har har har)
#4.5 - Build a practice robot AND a competition robot
#4.6 - Have the students do more this year and the mentors do less
#5 - Win the Bayou Regional again And/Or win the Chairman’s Award
#5.1 - Be a successful Drive Coach.
#6 - Raise the rest of the funds to attend the Lonestar and Championship
#7 - Go to the top of the Arch in St. Louis
#8 - Go back to The City Museum in St. Louis
#9 - Make it to one of the top eight alliances in St. Louis
#10 - Win Einstein

Ok - so I thought big. Sometimes my eyes are too big for my stomach :slight_smile:


  1. Have an undefeated season. (ohh, boy…)
  2. Drill holes where we meant to, the first time.
  3. Build a t-shirt cannon. With two gatling guns!
    [STRIKE]4. (personal goal) Get 11 rep point blocks. I know they’re just dots, but they’re such alluring dots…[/STRIKE]

EDIT: Oh, no! I just realized I missed my goal of getting a Cheesy Poofs number of posts! This is post 258 for me - how did that just go by like that? :ahh:

EDITED again: Thanks to everyone who put some positive rep on this post. One goal down, three to go! However, I really meant that I would work on my wittiness and experience to earn the rep the usual way, so I still have to work towards that.

To design build an epic robot, win a regional with it, to go to nationals and to get to eliminations.
What else is there :wink:

I want us to…
CAD and plan everything before we build it.
Build a solid, consistent machine, even if it isn’t the fastest, highest scoring, most amazing work of art ever to touch the field.

Dreams? Make it to elims at championship or win a regional.

  1. Win a Design CAD Award
  2. Win atleast one regional
  3. Fully design the robot instead of building when its half designed.
  4. Have an indestructible robot. (Fast, lazer cut sheet metal)
  5. build two robots
  6. Drive perfectly with my other driver
  7. Eat MORE Pizza, subway, and burger king :wink:
  8. get a little more sleep
  9. not let my grades drop in the beginning of the six weeks
  10. Beet 1114 and 2056 (I know its almost impossible with them in Toronto together)

1.) Have a robot completely cadded before it is built.

2.) Get our robot on Einstein

3.) Be better than last year

I wouldn’t mind if our team would;

  1. (add 2000 to the OP’s team), win a regional.
  2. learn how to use a mill/lathe to make parts.
  3. learn how to motivate ourselves/other people about FIRST.
  4. have fun! (wait, we do that already…)
  5. watch a freshman’s eyes light up as he cuts metal.
  6. get a CAD team with powerful enough computers.
  7. not blame the programmers!
  8. use a “kit-bot on steroids”.
  9. finish our robot with time to spare.
  10. attend an off-season event.
  11. get full school support.

For me personally:

  1. Survive my first season as our lead technical mentor. (It’s not my first season of involvement I just needed to step up to take on more this year.)
  2. Help inspire our students.
  3. Complete a fieldable robot early (Never finished, constant iteration, but having a robot we can put on the field and will function a week early would be nice so we have time to iterate).
  4. Win our regional.
  1. Improve myself and help others do the same.
  2. Plan everything before I start (not when I am making the replacement part).
  3. Eat less 1 dollar burgers (no matter where they are from).
  4. Be a kind person.
  5. Win a regional.
  6. Think of more goals.
  1. Win a regional (not a finalist again)
  2. Win a chairman’s
  3. not live on McDonald’s
  4. Have the robot done before the event

There’s goals in 2012? Is this a game hint? :stuck_out_tongue:

We’re trying to do the same thing!

  1. Be able to score in autonomous…
    1a. … and endgame…
    1b. …using Kinect for some function well.
  2. Finish fast so we can actually have practice time.
  3. Play on the field with WildStang at North Star
    3a. Be on the winning side, either with or against them
  4. Winning record…
    4a. …getting picked.
  5. Award of some sort.
  6. Get school district staff to come to the competition.

I suppose mine aren’t so ambitious, but they imply stretch goals similar to what’s been posted:

1.) Be the best at the endgame this year, regardless of the main scoring goal
2.) Perform some of the decision aiding and numerical analysis techniques I’ve learned with my degree to find a quiet lucrative niche
3.) Seed #1 again
4.) Have a full render of the robot in various configurations, regardless of whether it’s before or after the robot is built. (Often it’s easier to spot a problem in build, redesign it via prototyping, and simply put the prototype on the bot…)
5.) Make a launch video and a wrap video

My goals for our team are:

  1. Fundraise more money
  2. finish building the robot by week 4 to be able to test drive it
  3. win the Los Angeles Regional
  4. Go to St. Louis

These are my goals and you can help us fundraise by clicking the link below

  1. Win the Peachtree Regional
  2. Build a 2nd robot
  3. Go through the entire design process properly
  4. Have loads of fun!
  5. Bond together as a team.
  6. Have the FTC members attend our regional, and us attend the FTC State competition!
  1. Win Chesnut Hill and Mt. Olive Districts or be Finalists
  2. Win Rookie All- Star at the MAR Championships
  3. Finish building 1st robot on time
  4. Build second robot
  5. Win at least 1 technical award
  6. Aim High