Can anyone advise on how to slow the robot motors down using the example block code at: GitHub - goBILDA-Official/FTC-Starter-Kit-Robot-Into-The-Deep-Blocks-Example: Example Blocks Code for the Starter Robot built out of the goBILDA Starter Kit for the 2024-2025 FIRST Tech Challenge INTO THE DEEP season.
Currently, the speed of the motors is tied into the gamepad controller sticks. The further you push the stick, the faster the motors. We are looking for a way to slow the motors down and/or decrease the sensitivity of the logitech controller gamepad. Currently, its difficult for our team to control our robot as the sensitivity is so high and we cannot find a way to slow down the max motor speed.
Take the input from the joystick and cube it. This is a very common practice, and it creates a better power curve while maintaining negative/positive power values.
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Can you please give me an example of this. Thanks for the quick response as well.
I’m not sure what your motor configuration is, but this is an example using tank drive. The range of values from the joystick is -1 to 1.
Cubing the joystick will give you the following power curve.
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Perfect. Thank you for the clarification. That also illustrates what that part of the code is doing as well. Appreciate the help.
Just wanted to note because it seems you’re a new team. If you’re looking for FTC help/advice/community usually the FTC discord is super knowledgeable and will answer quickly.