BOB Team 85
team 525 definitely deserves a high spot on this list for an excellent auton and good hurdling, same for 494. I also enjoyed 1741’s grabbing mechanism, anyone that makes good use of suction gets kudos from me, same for 1208 last year. of course suctioning a 8lb ball is a little bit more hardcore than the tubes last year.
148 RoboWranglers- “Tumbleweed” awesome 3 wheel swerve, even better
looks, nice work, very clean machine:D
217 Thunderchickens- very nice, fast, simple, loved the match where you
tipped and pushed yourself back up
931 Perpetual Chaos- our next door pit, liked the springs, nice clean design
1098 The GI’s- nice and compact, liked the rack and pinion steering and the
under body lights that changed with the alliance color, scared me the
first time I saw the “horns” at the front come out, thought something
Don’t forget 1208 this year, too. Tokyo Drift bot is my favorite
It’s really too bad that was a practice match and there was no video. After the match we were all like “Since when can Leila do push-ups?!?!”
That was great when you guys lifted up.
Is ‘Leila’ the nickname for your bot?
Oh, and did any of the 'Chickens or anyone else get video of John making me do push-ups for my penalty? Haha, that was great…I’d totally forgotten about the deal I’d made with him earlier in the season about it. I’d love to find an embarrasing video of me with green hair and a corny white ‘bib’ doing push-ups on Youtube some day. :P.
Odin was what we named her before build, but then we decided she was definitely female. I think Paul’s exact words were: “You can’t call it sexy if it’s a dude, and she’s definitely sexy”.
and i’ll have to ask if anyone got video of John making you do push-ups, that was hilarious. Anyways, good luck in New Orleans, we’ll see you guys in Atlanta.
Team 1208 had a fabulous time at the St. Louis Regional. We were very impressed by the Thunder Chickens’ robot and their gracious professionalism. Team 148 was also supurb with their speed machine. Unfortunalty we lack the funds to attend a second regional, but we are looking forward to next year.
You guys did a great job, it was a lot of fun playing with and watching your team. Good luck next year!