Goodbye Autodesk, Hello Solidworks?

Noticed this on First’s website today:

The date of this article is Feb 13, but a quick search showed no threads about this.

Does this article mean that next year we’re going to be using SolidWorks over Inventor? The article doesn’t mention the use of their software next year, but it does say

SolidWorks believes in the power of partnership between industry and education. Involvement in FIRST is a natural extension of SolidWorks’ commitment to enriching the vital bond between these two areas of innovation, and a celebration of science, engineering and technology. FIRST is pleased and proud to welcome SolidWorks to its family of sponsors for the 2003 FIRST Robotics season.

What does everyone think of this?

who knows…just one more thing to learn…

It’s a possibility. Hey, maybe we’ll get both, or get to choose which one we want?

If it does mean thatthey will switch to Solidworks, from my experience with it, its very similar to Inventor. I wouldn’t have a problem with them changing.

YES!!! Finally we get to officially (possibly) use what my team has been using for the past three years… And Finally that’ll mean we don’t have to deal with garbage Autodesk products…(excluding 3D Studio of course, that is cool).

Can you guess what I sit at a desk and look at and use ALL DAY LONG, every M-F? lol

*Originally posted by Elgin Clock *
**YES!!! Finally we get to officially (possibly) use what my team has been using for the past three years… And Finally that’ll mean we don’t have to deal with garbage Autodesk products…(excluding 3D Studio of course, that is cool).

Can you guess what I sit at a desk and look at and use ALL DAY LONG, every M-F? lol **

We as well have been using SolidWorks for 3 years, it’d be nice :stuck_out_tongue:

As an employee for one of the FIRST suppliers (not AutoDesk or Solid Works), I would request that you recognize that the companies involved in FIRST donate a lot of money and time to this event, and while you may have a preference to a certain other product, calling a supplier’s product garbage is uncalled for.

If the product truly isn’t what the market needs or it is that inferior too others, that supplier will notice in the sales of their product.

Obviously this is a free country, and you can say whatever you wish, but I’d suggest you’d like the respect you would deserve if you were the supplier.

Just my $0.02.
