Got any crazy clips from this year?

I’m planning on making a “highlight reel” of this year’s game, and I could use some help. If you have any clips of robots spinning, crashing, falling, flailing, crashing, or anything else, I (and everyone else, I’m sure) would love to see them.

27 saving 2767 on Einstein:

Not too crazy, but double fall on Einstein at Detroit was funny…

I can’t believe I’ve forgotten to upload this for so long. I submit the following clip to be considered for a top 10 FRC send award.

Oh man that’s great!

We get crushed by a runaway bot in autonomous.

Team 145 in blue, top right of the screen.

Qual 76 Detroit Champs.

One of the only matches this year where our 2-cube scale worked. I had no idea you guys got crushed, it just makes our alliance’s auto even more hilarious.

What has to be my favorite non-bot clip this season. (and another fun little clip to go with it)](
Mic Stand 2 cube auto.
First time someone fixed a stuck bot on the scale (iirc)
why you shouldnt overclimb.
2471’s 4rp season ended match 1.
Still am unable to explain this.
Before 7293 came along, this was the big thing.
Speaking of 7293…

[strike]Here’s just a couple, ill come back and edit a few more in here in a bit.[/strike]

The music fits a little too well.
118’s 4rp season ends right here.
Shooters are just too OP.
Why you dont showboat in practice.
2231 has the power!
The final fall of Newton.
254 gets stopped by an unlikely suspect.
Robots need sleep too.
The best mascot of 2018.
Little too much bounce.
Safest ref in Newton (bottom left)
Wild Scale Action
“Gonna jump right into the action”](
The Personal Hygiene Award
“What an Exciting Finish”](
2471 with the OP auto
The saddest tip in Einstein
Nick’s power cube entrance
The aussie’s have fun during timeouts
Some whacky climbing
Im rooting for Channel 1
Barely couldnt keep it up
Coolest camera view of the season
The poor scale gets rammed a couple times

Still my favorite auto of the season

Uhhh Yeah. What kind of question is that? I don’t care if tjf already tossed it in the thread.

Funnily enough, it was possible to deny RP in auto if you prevent a robot on the opposing from breaking the plane of the baseline.

Our driver threw this up on our slack:

125 doing a 360 no gyro into the scale at Greater Boston finals

Team Roboto putting Mechanical Advantage back on their wheels leading to a double climb in Q75 on Archimedes.

As Drive coach, this may have been our favorite moment all season.

1574 got high-centered on the switch by some awesome defense. (They got saved by us though)](

If the opposing alliance had a robot with a strong scale auto, it would be very unfortunate if a robot with an out of control auto were to slam into it…

Note: I do not condone this!

They Have Already Been Picked

RIP 1986

1323 3 cube coopertition

I don’t know if a video of it exists anywhere (this is a cue for someone to come out of the woodwork with a video) but the very first time we used our climber in our practice match at Hartford. Less than 8 seconds on the clock, never tested on a real field, our driver lined up perfectly, fired, and climbed. It was pretty incredible.