Governor's Cup Reimagined

The information about Governor’s Cup has been difficult to find, so I figured I’d bring it all to one thread.


October 24, 2020


Here’s FIRST’s page

And here’s the facebook post about it.

A few things to note:

  • Interviews will be 20 minutes long
    • 10-minute presentation by the students
    • 10-minute Q&A from the judges
  • A student from each grade level that is on the team must be represented
    • i.e., if a team only has sophomores and juniors, a freshman and senior will not be required
  • Any number of team members can be a part of the interview
    • Suggestion: Try to have designated speakers for certain topics and/or determine spokespeople prior to the interview to avoid multiple speakers speaking at once.
  • Up to 2 mentors allowed, but they should be muted during the interview
  • Screen sharing will be allowed, and encouraged for the CAD award
  • The judges will be using only the interview to determine award winners, so it is important that the team’s presentation encompasses all aspects of their team

There is a separate judging session teams must sign up for if they wish to compete for technical awards

As for who is eligible for the individual scholarships,
“Any high school senior that participated in the 2019-2020 Competition season and is planning to participate in the 2020-2021 FIRST Robotics Competition season, and is nominated by their team’s adult mentor.”

Slightly disappointed in the requirement to compete in 2021 as I imagine many teams may decide to take this year off; though with the Governor providing free registration to all NH teams it may be less of an issue than I fear. Regardless, looking forward to competing with you all again, even if it’s virtual!

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